Wake up Happy – Your Waking Thoughts Determine the rest of Your Day

What if I told you, you have control over the course of your day? The energy and thoughts you put out first thing in the morning, determine the hours to follow. If you’re waking up full of doubt, self-pity, or anger, expect your day to be nothing but a downhill slope. Wake up happy- feeling grateful for something, and you will realize how great life can actually be.

The Domino Effect

You wake up, throw your alarm clock across the room, and rush to get ready. As you brush your teeth while getting dressed at the same time, you wonder when you can take your next vacation. You dread everything your upcoming day has to offer, and now you realized you’re going to be late if you don’t leave asap. You leave for work or school and hit a ton of traffic. THEN your coffee order gets screwed up.. and you don’t have time to order a new one. The rest of your day unfolds to be a nightmare.

Do you wonder why everything is going wrong, and the day is progressively getting worse and worse? Do you reflect on any wrong you’ve done and ask the Universe why you’re being punished with bad karma? “Why me!! WhaT hAve I doNe tO DEserVe ThiS!?”

It’s not karma, it’s not payback for something you’ve done directly to someone. Think back to your morning. Did you groan and complain from the sound of your alarm? Did you grumpily get ready and whine with every step until you reached the door to leave? The reason your day has become laughably horrible is due to the pessimistic thoughts you had from the moment you woke up.

The Law of Attraction – “Like Attracts Like”

The Law of Attraction is the belief that your thoughts, visualizations, and energy determine your reality. If you imagine, and think about something long enough, it will unfold before you.

So, when you wake up full of negative energy and emotion, it only makes sense that everything that could go wrong, will go wrong. Be aware of your waking thoughts, and take control over your day.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we focus on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually. If you focus on negative doom and gloom you will remain under that cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve you will find a way to achieve them with massive action.


The Secret

The Secret is a book which speaks in depth about the Law of Attraction. In it, you will learn how your thoughts, words, and actions have an influence on your life.

To make it as simple as possible, if you are in a constant state of negativity, do not be surprised when nothing in your life goes according to plan. On the flip side, if you delve into positivity and gratitude, you will receive the happy energy you put out. Have you ever thought about something, and moments or days later, it happens? It’s not coincidence. If you think and imagine something long enough, it will unfold before you.

Wake up Happy even if you’re not a “Morning Person”

If there is one thing I am definitely NOT.. it’s a morning person. When I wake up, I’m a monster. My mom would ALWAYS wake up so smiley and bubbly.. I never understood it. “Good morning baby!” She’ll exclaim with her coffee. “Urhrrr goo morgindfdng” I’ll respond with..

Despite this, I have created one little habit. As soon as I wake up, I avoid complaining at all costs. As I gather the energy to take on the day, I think of how grateful I am for my mom’s morning cheerfulness, and the little things I’m looking forward to that day (coffee, writing, listening to music in the car) .. I try to think of at least ONE thing to be grateful for, regardless of how big or small.

I’m only going to say this once.. just because you’re tired, doesn’t mean you have to hate life!!!

The Power of Gratitude – Wake up Happy

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations to express. It is the secret to happiness. Your life does not have to be perfect in order to feel grateful for something. No matter how bad life may seem right now, if you look hard enough, you can find ONE thing to appreciate. 

Try to think of one little thing that you’re excited for or grateful for. For example, your hair looks good, you’re excited for your morning coffee, you have your favorite outfit on, etc. Regardless of how big or small it might be, it will change your whole thought process for the day. You’re waking up and putting out positive energy-that’s all that matters.

I used to believe my life needed to be flawless in order to be grateful for it – I was very wrong. I understand that times can be so challenging that all you can do is feel as if life is against you. In order to overcome that is to find one thing you feel undeniable gratitude for. It can literally be anything. No matter the magnitude of the life challenge you’re facing, you can turn to this one thing to feel gratitude for. This habit will get you through life one day at a time.

Wake up Happy – Keep quotes or Images Close-by to Remind you of Gratitude

It’s easy to forget about this habit when you’ve got one eye half open and a throbbing headache first thing in the morning. The first thing you want to do is smash your alarm clock into bits and go right back to sleep. You want to curse the day and say f%ck it to all your respnsilities. “Five more minutes” you say to yourself, only to wake up an hour later with 3 minutes to get ready. 

wake up happy vision board
My Vision Board I keep right next to my bed

To keep your gratitude habit present, relevant, and hard to forget about, keep something on your phone or by your bedside so it is the first thing you see when you wake up. Whatever it is that you’re grateful for, take a picture of it and make it your wallpaper. If there is a quote that reminds you of gratitude, make it present when you wake up. Print it out and pin it on your wall. Anything that you look at as soon as you wake up, so that you dont lose sight of it and fall into old habits. 

Wake up Happy – Get EXCITED about Life

Reverting back to my passion post, looking inward and finding hobbies, activities, and side jobs that fill you will excitement and enrichment, can allow you to look forward to something in your daily life. If you feel there is nothing to be grateful for, having a hobby that makes you happy can be just that.

Get enough SLEEP

Aside from all of the mental strategies for expressing gratitude first thing, this is the #1 physical thing we all forget about … 

Waking up is hard on its own, yet it seems as though we never learn to sleep at a decent hour consistently. Despite missed alarms, eye bags, and thinking “I’m going to bed at 8pm tonight” as soon as we wake up – we continuously stay up until its 1am and we only have 5 hours to sleep. 

If you have trouble falling asleep due to anxiety, insomnia, or racing thoughts, these are natural remedies to help. Try meditation, melatonin, magnesium, valerian,  lavender, and pistachios. Yes, you read that correctly- pistachios – they contain a ton of melatonin! 

Get on a consistent sleep schedule and follow it! (EVEN on the weekends.) And of course, exercise and eat for your health too.

“OK, I woke up Happy and my day Still Sucked .. “

So, you woke up, did all of the thought work to be happy, but sh%t still hit the fan…

Understand that not everyday or every week will go according to plan no matter what you do. You will have control of the events you experience up to a certain extent. Once it reaches that point, it is now in your hands how you REACT.

Your reaction to uncontrollable events play a huge roll in your life. There will be countless times horrible things happen to you that are out of your reach. You can either feel sorry for yourself and blame everything around you, or take the hits as they come, remain patient, and trust that everything is happening to you for a reason. Understand that life is happening FOR you, not TO you.

Sometimes, learn to laugh at yourself when things go bad. There have been times I couldn’t believe how horrible my day was going that I had no option left but to laugh, because crying and complaining wasn’t getting the job done.

You may not be able to control external events, but you can control how you respond.

It’s Corny, but it’s True

I know this post was filled with cheesy quotes. Everything I am speaking about is all from my own experience, and noticing how my bad days and good days were in my hands. From the moment I woke up, I had the decision of making my day good or bad. Through practicing gratitude, reminding myself to be grateful WITH these cheesy quotes, pursuing what I love, and putting my health as my #1 priority, I understand the magnitude of my waking thoughts.

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