Bloat – Overcoming the Emotional and Physical Effects

Bloat. We all experience it. Whether its a bit of water weight, gas, or severe pregnant-looking bloat, it never fails to leave you wanting to throw on baggy clothes and lay in bed.

As I sit here writing this, I’m currently puffed out, wearing a big hoodie to cover up this beer belly going on. I finished 75 Hard last week, and immediately after going on a White Claw binge, I blew up like a balloon.. and it still hasn’t gone down.

I am writing this not only to help those who feel the same, but to also give advice that I need to take myself.

Bloat Happens – Understand you are Not Alone

Although at times it might feel like you’re the only one looking and feeling this way, you and the rest of the world deal with it, unfortunately.

It’s annoying, uncomfortable, and more often than not, will leave us in our heads about our self image.


You might think you’ve gained 5 pounds over night, you didn’t, I promise! Do not confuse bloating with fat gain, although it’s easy to think they’re the same thing. They might look alike, but bloating is temporary. After a day of eating crappy you’re gonna look soft, mushy, and pudgy and that’s OKAY ! It’s inevitable. All that is is just salt, sugar, and water retention.

Bloat can last anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. There are supplements to help with it, but usually it will take some time to completely vanish. The key is to stay patient, and avoid giving it the power to tear you down.

My Experience

After I completed 75 hard, the moment I started eating pizza and drinking alcohol, I blew up like a blowfish. It’s been over a week since, and I’m still a bit bloated and mushy. I went from lean- almost 6 pack abs, right back to how I looked when I started. For a few days I was really in my head because I went from feeling my best to feeling my worst in a matter of a day. I went from one extreme to another, and my body was preeettty confused.

As a personal trainer, as someone in the fitness industry, bloat never fails to eat at my self esteem. I always get in my head, as if there is this image we think we have to uphold of looking lean and strong day in and day out. As a human, bloat is inevitable, and regardless of its extent, you will never feel 100% your best.

I’ll be honest, despite knowing all there is to know about bloat, I was still in my head, still beating myself up about it, feeling insecure, wearing baggier clothes.

pre 75 hard cheat meal - post 75 hard  cheat meal

I allowed this to eat at me the past couple days, making me feel down, insecure, discouraged. It’s easy to fall into this trap. I’m writing this blog to not only shed some light on bloating to help some of you, but to also help myself through this.

bloated stomach - these pics were taken only a few hours apart

Emotional Effects ..

Bloating can, and more than likely will, make you feel discouraged and insecure. Especially if you are on a fitness journey, bloating can make you feel as though all your hard work has been nothing but a waste of time. Ive been there too many times to know that it is temporary. It’s so easy to get caught up and feel shame, guilt, and depression.

From my Instagram poll, here are some of the responses I got to “What do you feel (emotionally) when you’re super bloated?”

  • insecure
  • body shame
  • “triggered af”
  • annoyed
  • tired
  • defeated – I got this response a lot
  • discouraged
  • depressed

It’s emotionally draining to feel these emotions towards yourself. It is essential that you do all that you can to avoid letting these emotions get the best of you, and allow them to destroy your progress made on your fitness journey. Do not allow this temporary feeling discourage you to the point that you give up.

BLOAT. IS. TEMPORARY. Just keep repeating that in your mind, and keep hustling as you were before you began to feel this way!

Affirmations / Self Love / Stress Control

There will be times that you’ll be harder on yourself than others, and you might feel uncomfortable in your own skin. Times that looking in the mirror will make you cringe, and every outfit doesn’t seem to fit right, and all you’ll want to do is put on a giant hoodie and cry.

These are the times that you need to be the kindest, most compassionate and empathetic towards yourself. During moments like these, I’ll take a step back and remind myself that my little bloated belly does not define who I am as a person. This extra water retention does not take away the value I hold within myself. My physical body does not prove my worth as a person. I’ll express self love, gratitude, and kindness to myself.

Positive affirmations such as ” I am strong, I am worthy, I love myself” repeated in your mind should divert your previous self-destructing thought process. You might not truly believe the words you’re repeating, but with enough repetition and practice, eventually you will.

The stress you put on yourself for feeling this way will only make things worse. Stress can often create more bloat. So try to control your thoughts and your negative energy through visualization, gratitude, and meditation. There is so much more to life than what you look like, so try to stop focusing so much on the small things. Recognize the person you are, the value you bring, your individuality, and own it.

Reduce that Belly Bloat

Let’s say its a holiday, a cheat day, or shark week (ladies), and you know you’ll be eating foods you usually wouldn’t, and a whole lot of it. Or your hormones are beginning to go into rage mode.. here are a few quick tips to help ease the bloat you’ll more than likely face.

  • Eat slower – the faster you eat, the more gas build up you will experience
  • Drink lots of water beforehand, lemon water if possible – chugging water after a big meal is recipe for bloat
  • Peppermint, dandelion, chamomile, green, or ginger tea – make yourself a hot cup of any of these teas to have after a meal to aid in digestion and gas bubbles
  • Enjoy the memories you’re making with your loved ones and all your favorite food, get back on track the next day

Foods to Avoid

Everyone is different, so everyone reacts to foods in different ways (duh). If you deal with severe bloat OFTEN, then consider seeing a food allergist, or try the elimination diet, to see which foods react with you. Ive had to do this in the past, as some foods would make me blow up for days on end.

Some common food allergies include

  • dairy / eggs
  • wheat, gluten, breads
  • soy
  • nightshade vegetables – tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, potatoes
  • peanuts
  • corn

Foods TO Eat

Gut Healthy foods

  • kimchi / other fermented vegetables
  • probiotic yogurt – kefir / Forager cashewgurt (vegan alternative)
  • green vegetables
  • sourdough
  • bone broth
  • salmon
  • berries

Foods to aid in digestion

  • high fiber fruit and veg
  • lentils
  • sweet potato
  • oats
  • avocado
  • asparagus


If you’re not experiencing gut imbalance, it could be water weight. Try to up your water intake, while also focusing on getting in electrolytes – magnesium, sodium, potassium.

Or try out some natural diuretics

if you think you might be experiencing a gut or digestion issue, include these into your daily intake


Ive been in this position practically all my life. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is, sometimes you cant get rid of bloat with lemon water and magical tea. Sometimes all you can do is remind yourself that it will pass, and accept that you look a little rounder than usual, for the time being.

There were times id cry looking in the mirror, times I backed out of plans because my jeans wouldn’t fit, there were even times I’ve called out of work because it was so bad. (Sorry Rory!)

You cant always control what your gut decides to do, but you can control how you deal with the discomfort. I know you want to say “screw it all, I already look this way, might as well have some pizza.” Trust me, Ive been there, it will only make it worse. Just sit back, throw on a baggy t-shirt, make some tea, remind yourself that your body doesn’t define your value, and accept where you’re at.

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